Thursday, June 21, 2012

Update - 21 June 2012

It has been a very hot couple of days! So hot that we took a half day today and closed the site down early. Despite the heat, we have still made some good progress this week.
As noted in the last post, we ended last week with the discovery of Feature 3 in a corner of Unit 4. On Monday we excavated the feature; it was only approximately 1/10 of a foot deep and very compact. A few small artifacts were recovered from the feature including a sherd of white salt glaze stoneware. Feature 3 was adjacent to the stone foundation wall located behind 124 Elfreth's Alley. Below Feature 3 a builders trench was noted along the stone wall and the edge of a brick foundation wall was identified parallel to the stone foundation. Feature 3 is likely associated with a building episode related the foundation walls.

Yesterday, we identified Feature 4 in Unit 6. Feature 4 looks to be the remnants of the location of a historic post. Only a handful of artifacts came out of the Feature 4 including a bone button. The button is slightly conical in shape and is a 4-hole sew-thru button made of animal bone. See photos below.

Bone Button - side A

Bone Button - side B

As we make more progress, we will hopefully continue to find more features and artifacts that will provide us with valuable information about the people who lived on the Alley.

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